
We received tons of email and messages from you asking about USD and INR banknotes. After a couple of months searching for suitable equipment and materials and also a lot of hard trying to enhance our skill, we are finally ready to introduce you new listings USD and INR banknotes!

We offer 20, 50 and 100 USD notes and 500 with absolutely new 2000 INR banknotes. All the notes are highest quality on TOR, as always, huh 🙂

Updated price-list is below.

Oh and one more cool thing for you. Now we offer a free shipping and an overnight for just $35. Hope you will enjoy our notes again)


Our team offers the highest quality EUR, USD and INR notes. We use the best cotton-based paper. Each note is provided with watermarks, security threads, holograms etc. Every note looks a bit used for higher secure.

All notes easily pass UV, pen and other tests, so you can use them without any problems at any shops, markets and even in vending machines. Some of our customers say that they used them in ATM.

Yes, our notes are more expensive that other on TOR, but its all because of using paper, ink and equipment only the highest quality. Every top-quality thing is always expensive.


PM us, please





Overall Rating
8.4 (35616 votes)

To vote for this vendor please procced to the Order Page. Voting feature becomes available only when your deal has finished.

Ordering form
20-euro20EUR notes 5pcs pack 49$ Quantity:
50-euro50EUR notes 5pcs pack 89$ Quantity:
100-euro100EUR notes 5pcs pack 259$ Quantity:
20-dollars20USD notes 5pcs pack 45$ Quantity:
50-dollars50USD notes 5pcs pack 85$ Quantity:
100-dollars100USD notes 5pcs pack 249$ Quantity:
500-inr500INR notes 20pcs pack 49$ Quantity:
2000-inr2000INR notes 20pcs pack 199$ Quantity:
envelopeRegular Free
expressExpress 15$
planeOvernight 35$

Payment type
Bitcoin (BTC)
Litecoin (LTC)
Ethereum (ETH)
ETH blockchain only!
Dogecoin (DOGE)

1 btc = 56577 usd. 1 ltc = 57 usd. 1 eth = 2407 usd. 1 dash = 23 usd. 1 doge = 0.098 usd.

Shipping Information
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Your purchase is protected with UnderMarket built-in Multisig Escrow system. This vendor can NOT scam you. More information about Multisig Escrow can be found here

Customer reviews

This section is for customer reviews only. You will be able to leave a review on the order page once your order is finished. Before UnderMarket_2.0 engine this section was used for leaving normal comments as well. If you want to ask vendor an open question, feel free to ask it in uChat.

Since 2022 we decided to keep only the most relevant comments. All old comments are deleted


My overall rating:

1 6 7 8