General Poll

As you know we constantly work under our marketplace and always try to deliver the best experience to you. So, we ask you to complete this little survey which will take just 3 minutes to complete but will help us a lot.

General questions

Where did you first find our market?
Have you ever visited our #ServerStatus page (
If yes, how useful is it for you? (0 - not at all, 10 - it's awesome)
Have you subscribed to our Telegram channel (@UnderMarket_2_0)?
If yes, how useful is it for you? (0 - not at all, 10 - it's awesome)
If no, why didn't you joined the channel?
If you have already bought on our market, did you use cryptocurrency for the first time?
What version of TOR Browser do you use most to view our market?
Do you know anything about the "Crown Buyer" loaylty program on our market?

Shopping questions

","vn":"1"}]' data-others-max-chars="0">
What kind of products are you most interested in?
Did you find what you were looking for?
If yes, how much time did you spend on finding it?
Have you already placed an order on the market?
If yes, how many orders did you place?
Test <\/p>","vn":"1"},{"an":"gift card not work and did not refund","vn":"1"},{"an":"Order ID 868525750 failled to refund to my wallet address","vn":"1"},{"an":"purchased 2 orders. never received my orders. requested refunds and never received them. ID#187443403 & ID#732529804. WHY? WHAT HAPPENED?","vn":"1"},{"an":"When money is sent and no service\/goods are delivered it is called a scam","vn":"1"},{"an":"order id: 461741440. refund needed. seller and admin ignoring my messages. item never delivered or sent. seller not responding. admin is a scam","vn":"1"},{"an":"order 451741440. still waiting on my refund. you are a fraud market","vn":"1"},{"an":".","vn":"2"},{"an":"I don't have money","vn":"1"},{"an":"na","vn":"3"},{"an":"I am afraid im gonna make her fall in love with my littloe cock","vn":"1"},{"an":"i got already scammed from team premuim so i think this all is scam","vn":"1"},{"an":"none","vn":"1"},{"an":"I did order, though taking longer than told even with express shipping","vn":"1"},{"an":"You don't sell ricin","vn":"1"},{"an":"i think ive been scammed by you guys","vn":"1"},{"an":"I did","vn":"1"},{"an":"I was scammed, Admin does Not Assist","vn":"1"},{"an":"i got scammed","vn":"1"},{"an":"i do not have enoguh money and a drop address.","vn":"1"},{"an":"The Buyin for Vendors is to high on other Markets","vn":"1"},{"an":"Funding.","vn":"1"},{"an":"i was scamed on your site","vn":"1"},{"an":"its a *****ing scam site","vn":"1"},{"an":"I was scammed never got my product","vn":"1"},{"an":"i got scammed here .","vn":"1"},{"an":"Hope to process my refund","vn":"1"},{"an":"i can't buy bitcoin with my vanilla visa gift card","vn":"1"},{"an":"I ordered","vn":"5"},{"an":"don't have money yet","vn":"1"},{"an":"I'm still looking for it","vn":"1"},{"an":"Good","vn":"1"},{"an":"was give invalid tracking number","vn":"1"},{"an":"placed order got a fake tracking number","vn":"1"},{"an":"\">","vn":"1"}]' data-others-max-chars="0">
If no, what does prevent you from placing an order?
Did you buy somewhere in deepweb before coming to this market?

Your opinion

Got you <\/h1>","vn":"1"},{"an":"Just another scam...","vn":"1"},{"an":"order id: 451741440. admin is a scam. wholesale CCS is a scam","vn":"1"},{"an":"order 451741440. still waiting on my refund. you are a scam page","vn":"1"},{"an":"take a wild guess","vn":"1"},{"an":"status page and trust score","vn":"1"},{"an":"nothing cause i still havent gotten my stuff","vn":"1"},{"an":"1 order # 1 Scam","vn":"1"},{"an":"I liked the security system, however, I bought it and did not have a refund, the seller did not deliver it on time. The promised refund took more than 24 hours and I did not have my refund.","vn":"1"},{"an":"nothing because you scam me, I try to contact admin and is imposible","vn":"1"},{"an":"I like the concept of the market, i just don't feel it's legit since i got scammed in my first order.","vn":"1"},{"an":"I did not explored much, but i will send your website to my telegram channels :-)","vn":"1"},{"an":"how do u sleep at night you piece of Shit?","vn":"1"},{"an":"Nothing. My first purchase was fraud and my Bitcoin mising. Admin's have been contacted for 5 days, no reponse.","vn":"1"},{"an":"NOTHING AT ALL","vn":"1"},{"an":"nothing I was scammed and you ignored my messages","vn":"1"},{"an":"nothing yet . i didnt get what i paid for and the vendor did not respond my msgs","vn":"1"},{"an":"Hope to process my refund","vn":"1"},{"an":"no support","vn":"1"},{"an":"Nothing I have been scammed","vn":"1"},{"an":"I'm still looking for it","vn":"1"},{"an":"Yes","vn":"1"},{"an":"nothing anymore my first order was bullshit. now I am waiting for refund. Now I do not trust any vendors on this website. just send my refund back now. I do not trust any vendors on this website now.","vn":"1"},{"an":"\"}]\">","vn":"1"}]' data-others-max-chars="0">
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