Please have a look at these questions and answers before asking something in comments or sending a private message. Most likely your question duplicates any from below.

Javascript required.


Administrators and moderators of this market do NOT handle any delivery. We do not send any products or provide any services. All questions regarding this should be asked to a certain vendor.

This question should be addressed to a vendor that you want to buy from. Most vendors ship worldwide. But we recommend you to check vendors’ descriptions or ask directly if you doubt.

If your type of shipping supports tracking system, then the tracking number is available on the order page for your convenience.

Email delivery is performed by the vendors manually. Pay attention on the Preparation circle. The number there shows how many hours it usually takes for the vendor to send the product. The second thing here to pay attention to is the online status. Obviously, if vendor is online, he will send you the product faster.

Gift card codes are available instantly on the order page once your transaction gets 1 confirmation in a blockchain.
Pay attention on the Preparation and Delivery circles below the vendor’s name. If you see “inst” in both circles, it means that the delivery is instant and automated. If you “inst” only in Delivery circle, it means the delivery is via email or PM, made by the vendor manually.

We all humans here and everybody may get messed up and make a mistake. Many vendors have a huge number of customers per day and it may be hard to avoid such simple mistakes.
Keep in mind that tracking info is usually NOT available right after the package has been given to the carrier manager. It may take few hours before the package get registerred in the system.
We recommend you to wait few hours and if the problem still exist message a vendor and ask for clarification or replacement of the code.

General Questions

For security reasons publishing your email address is prohibited. Bot will automatically change it to “***” instead.

That’s awesome! We are always looking for new vendors and especially with fresh ideas. Send a PM to Administrator with following information:

  • The category of your goods (carding, electronics, narcotics, gift cards, drugs or whatever);
  • The number of products that will be listed here (e.g. 5 or 25);
  • If you have any listing somewhere else or have a website, share the link with us;

Put “Become the UnderMarketer” as a subject.

Registration is free, however, we take 15% for each payout to the Vendor. The buyer do NOT pay any extra fees. He pays only the price of the product.

We use an anti-spam bot. The reason we do that is that there is no many open discussion places in TOR and many people use our platform to advertise their services and products. We do not want that and setup an anti-spam bot that block such IPs for some time. Due to TOR network technology, you can connect to our market through the same relay and have the same IP that was blocked before.
Another most common reason for not allowing your comment to show up it is that you were spamming on our market. We want to be our market to be friendly and ask you to not spam or advertise your services on our platform. No duplicated comments are allowed.
Another reason could be that you posted a comment in any non-English language. Only English is allowed here.

Make sure vendor is online. You can check his online hours on a vendor’s page.
If you see the vendor is online then most likely the vendor is busy enough and will answer your message as soon as possible. Please keep in mind that UnderMarket is popular enough and it has thousands of customers per day which cause a huge load on the vendors. We kindly ask you to respect each other and do not spam in comments and private message box.
If you plan to stay in touch with the vendor constantly, consider getting a “Crown Buyer” status so your messages will always be on top.

  • Pick up a vendor on the left or choose a category above and then pick up a vendor you like.
  • Look through his or her offer and scroll down the page to see the price-list.
  • Choose the products you want to order and specify the quantity if necessary.
  • Click on the “Continue To Checkout” button.
  • You will be then redirected to a payment page with your order summary. Check all the details and if everything is OK, then follow the instruction and transfer a certain Bitcoins to a provided wallet address. Once your payment is complete, vendor will get a notification and fulfill your order.
  • Copy somewhere or write down your ORDER ID. It is necessary for be able to manage your order and see it’s status.

See “How To Buy Here” page for more information.


This market was designed to be semi-automated for both buyer and vendor convenience. The less time you waste on administrative things like handling refunds, registerring or approving orders, the more you have time on really important things like shipping, preparing goods and other stuff. In other words, we want our stuff and vendors concentrate on doing business as well as give customers as high and smooth service as possible.

Thus, “Your wallet for refund” is necessary to provide in order to maximize your pleasure making business on our market. When you are not satisfied with products or vendor has failed to fulfill your order for any reason, you can simply cancel the order through the order page and get your money back automatically. This speeds up the process significantly so you can re-order from another vendor without spending lots of time for getting your money back like on other markets.

Try to message vendor and find out the reason of that. In most cases vendors are very busy and can act with a delay.
If you are sure that your order is not going to be fulfilled, just click on “Cancel and Refund” button from your order page. Within 24 hours you will get a full refund to a wallet address provided when placing the order.

When on the dispute submitting page, make sure you have described your problem as detailed as possible. Once your case get inspected, the decision will be made. It usually takes not longer than 48 hours. If any additional information is required, you will be contacted by the staff.

First of all, don’t worry and don’t panic. Spamming is not an option in such case.
We recommend you to give a vendor some time to complete your order because there are a lot of other customers and probably the vendor was busy. You can cancel the order at any time and get a full refund in 1-click.

“Order Page” is the common name for order control page, accessible from “View Order” page.

Send a message to Administrator when the order has been placed, what vendor, paid sum in USD and cryptocurrency, TXID and any additional information about your order that can prove that that order has been placed by you, e.g. ZIP code, email or name. Specify in the message theme that you need your order password to be restored.
To send a private message to Administrator go to “Your Messages” page and choose Administrator as a recipient.

Send a message to Administrator when the order has been placed, what vendor, paid sum in USD and cryptocurrency, TXID and any additional information about your order that can prove that that order has been placed by you, e.g. ZIP code, email or name.
To send a private message to Administrator go to “Your Messages” page and choose Administrator as a recipient.


0%. Zero. Null. We do not charge any fees from the buyers. All you pay here is the price you see in a price-list.

At the date of posting we accept Bitcoin, Litecoin and Ethereum only. We plan to extend the number of accepted cryptocurrencies in the future. We do not accept Western Union, PayPal or credit cards and such ways of payment will not be accepted for sure.

If you are 10000% sure that you made a transaction, then pay attention on the amount you have sent (in cryptocurrency).
To do that, login to your order through the “View Order” page and check the sum there. If the sum on the order page equals to that you sent, then all you need is just wait for 1 confirmation on the blockchain. Once your transaction got it, order status changes.

Personal Account

Unfortunately, there is no account password reset function at this moment. It is made for security reasons. You can register another account.


If you haven’t received a refund after 24 hours there can be 2 reasons for that: 1) You provided a wrong wallet address for refund, or 2) Vendor has filed a dispute.
We reserve a 24 hours period for refund to allow vendors to file a dispute too. Before the applying of Multisig Escrow Engine 2.0 in 2017, there were a lot of scams by the buyers and many reputable sellers were going to leave our market. We had to find a solution to prevent such scams and invented a 24 hours delay before the refund.
Luckily, it happens rarely.